Help and Information to show how to do something, for example: morse code

How to search by GPS

Enter GPS Coordinates Manually Whilst browsing any of the situation maps, if you click anywhere the GPS coordinates are displayed above the map. You can click the latitude and longitude numbers and enter your own. Click on the Enter button beside the numbers onscreen and the map will fly to the new...


Customer Support

Help and advice for common issues No Sound whilst Playing Morse Code If you are trying to play morse code on our website but there is no sound, please check the switch on the side of your phone to see if it is in Silent Mode. The sound will not play through the...


Remembrance Words

This may not be for everybody but some people do have favourite words, and so we are offering a service where you could nominate someone to be remembered on the dictionary popup whenever that word is looked up.


Geolocation Situations

Using the geo-data options, we can encode the environmental readings for a location. This could be done automatically by a weather monitoring device or manually by setting the on-screen options.


How to use this website

Welcome Hi there and welcome to our fun and educational website. When you open the website, the map automatically shows your location marker in London. You can zoom out on the map and manually select a location or if you press the on-screen locate button, you will be asked permission to access...