GPS Maps Home

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GPS Maps Home

About this website

Use the map to look around places of interest or your current location, and whereever you click, the website will convert those GPS coordinates into a series of four words.

We use a database of 100,000 words, comprising of modern everyday English words, some complicated words and some old English words.

By clicking on a word, the dictionary will pop-up with the word definition, along with an automated voice to read aloud for the sight impaired or just for convenience.

The voice is actually generated from the internet browser you are using, and different browsers will list different voices. For Fun, you can experiment with a different voice by simply selecting the Speech Assistant and try out the different voices with a phrase of your own.

To help you Learn about Encryption, we have various situation maps with an information panel where you can select options, which will be encrypted into a five digit number.

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